LBHS Wrestler General Conduct
On Being a Gentleman/Lady: All wrestlers, wrestlerettes
and managers are expected to be gentlemen/ladies both on and off the
mat with undesirable actions being corrected.
Sportsmanship: We expect every wrestler to display good,
clean sportsmanship while wrestling hard and tough, giving everything
humanly possible, while still playing the game as intended.
Horseplay/Hazing: Injuries often result because of horseplay in the dressing room, both before and after practice, and even during practice. NO HORSEPLAY!!
Language: Please watch your language both on and off the mat.
Remember that language is a sign of intelligence. Express your wealth of verbal expertise!!
Away Meets: Report promptly to locker room and check all
gear before leaving. The coaching staff EXPECTS the buses to be quiet
on the way to meets to allow for mental preparation for upcoming
opponents. Do not take anything that does not belong to you when
leaving another school. You must return with the team unless given
special permission from the
Dress: Meet warm-up tops will be worn only on the day of meet. Proper attire
will be expected trips away from home. Proper attire will be designated by
the coaching staff.
Curfew: All wrestlers should be home by 10:00 p.m. and in
bed NO LATER THAN 10:30 p.m. the night before all meets! This is
critical rest!
- ALCOHOL: Absolutely prohibited at any time!!!
- DRUGS: Absolutely prohibited at any time!!!
- TOBACCO: Absolutely prohibited at any time!! All tobacco products will be considered!!!
A. Always be honest to yourself!!
B. Always remember you represent Yourself!!
C. Always remember you represent the LBHS Wrestling program and Your Teammates!!
D. Always remember you represent Your Parents and Your Coaches!!
E. Always Give Your Best Effort!
F. The Team Come Before the Individual!