Simply put ... Summer wrestlers make winter champions.

Wrestling has become a sport that demands more than a three or four month commitment. There are many different mediums which a wrestler can better himself in the off-season. The most way efficient to improve in the off-season is to wrestle!

The coaching staff firmly believes that if we gear for a conference championship, that will be the limit of our success. In as much, if we gear for state  championship, we will move into a new level at Lake Brantley. Due to F.H.S.A.A. rules, coaches are restricted a great deal as to what they can do with their athletes during the off-season. However, if the athlete and the coaching staff make a commitment to set off-season goals, many positive things will happen.

There are numerous opportunities for wrestlers to gain invaluable experience during the off-season. Florida sponsors many USA WRESTLING opportunities, such as club, regional, and national programs. You need to access these opportunities!

Off-season strength training will be an important aspect of building and maintaining a state championship program. Wrestlers will be expected to work and to improve their strength during the off-season and pre-season.

Wrestlers will be encouraged to participate in other sports. However, this does not relieve the athlete of the responsibility of getting stronger. For those athletes participating in other sports, the coaching staff will work closely to tailor a strength program that is individualized and most efficient for that particular athlete.


This program is a combination of a heavy lifting program where you will cycle your primary lifts and still maintain a complete body workout.

There are four (4) basic core lifts: the Power Cleans, Bench Press, Incline Press, and Squats. On weeks 3,4, and 5 you may want to limit your supplemental lifts to a minimum due to the intensity of the primary lifts.

*Power Cleans *Squats *Power Cleans
*Bench Press *Bench Press *Squats
*Incline Press Lat Pulls *Incline Press
Push Press Push Press Push Press
Dips Dips Dips
Curls Curls Curls
Sit-ups Sit-ups Sit-ups

Primary Lifts

Week 1-3 sets of 10 @ 65%

Week 2-4 sets of  8 @ 70%

Week 3-5 sets of  6 @ 75%

Week 4-4 sets of  4 @ 80%

Week 5-4 sets of  5 @ 75%

Week 6-2 sets of 12 @ 60%

All supplemental lifts: 2-3 sets of 10

Note: The lifting program will be supplemented with prescribed distance running.