Mental Attitude: Never underestimate your opponent! Think now about the matches ahead because if you are not prepared for a match, you may as well stay home!
Goals: Our primary goal should be to win each and every meet and tournament we participate in, taking them one at a time. WE MUST TRY TO BE "CHAMPIONS" - enter the season with a goal less than that is admitting defeat. To reach high goals, you must have faith, courage, and determination! If you lack any of these characteristics, QUIT NOW!! For we cannot reach our goal if you do not have them also. CHAMPIONSHIPS ARE HARD TO ATTAIN - WE MUST PROVE THAT "LAKE BRANTLEY" CAN HANDLE THEM - OVER AND OVER AGAIN!
Seniors: A good group of SENIORS is a great asset to any team! Their LEADERSHIP both on and off the mat will make a big difference on the entire season and will provide a steady influence during the rough times of a season. They must prepare to stop all problems within a team, during the season, keeping it as ONE - a TEAM!
Parents: Cooperation between coaches and parents is a key to any successful program. We want you to feel free to come to us or call us if you think you have a problem with your son and wrestling. It is hoped that you as a parent will be proud of the fact that your son is a member of the Lake Brantley Wrestling Team, regardless of how many matches he actually wrestles. We, as coaches, must make decisions which do keep us awake at night and twists our insides, but we make them for the good of all our young men. I am thoroughly convinced that every young man who wrestles for Lake Brantley wants to wrestle on a "WINNER" and be a "WINNER" themselves. All problems that concern wrestling at Lake Brantley High School are the sole problems of Head Coach Kevin Carpenger. So, bring them to my attention. My home and office will always be open to you and your athlete.