College belong to leagues that have their own
rules, regulations and eligibility requirements. Basic Eligibility
guidelines for the NCAA, NAIA, and NJCAA leagues are outlined below.
For more detailed information, visit their web sites.
NCAA (972 members colleges - 318 Division I, 261 Division II, 393Division III) - Division I and II colleges can offer athletic
scholarships; Division III colleges (mostly smaller, private colleges)
cannot. Before an athlete can play a sport or receive an athletic
scholarship at a Division I or II college, he/she must meet NCAA's academic
requirements. Division III athletes do not need to meet NCAA academic requirements.
Athletes going to Division I and II colleges must have a 2.0 GPA (on a 4.0
scale) in 13 core courses and the required SAT or ACT score. Division II
athletes must have a 68 (sum of the 4 scores) on the ACT or an 820 on the
SAT. ACT/SAT requirement for Division I eligibility are based on a
sliding scale. The higher the core GPA, the lower the test score
required. For example, a student with a core GPA of 2.0 needs an 86 (sum
of 4 scores) on the ACT or a 1010 on the SAT; a student with a 2.5 of higher
core GPA needs a 68 on the ACT or an 820 on the SAT.
Athletes should meet with their counselors as early as possible to discuss
NCAA requirements and to make sure that they are taking the right
courses. In the spring of their junior year, athletes should take the
ACT and the SAT. They should also pick up a NCAA Clearinghouse Student
Release Form from their guidance office. This form should be submitted
after completion of their junior year.
NAIA (over 300 member colleges) - NAIA college can award full or practical
scholarships. To play a sport or receive an athletic scholarship, an
athlete must have a 2 of the following 3 NAIA requirements: (1) an ACT
composite score of 18 or an 860 on the SAT, (2) an overall 2.0 GPA, (3)
graduate in the top half of his/her class.
NJCAA (500 junior colleges) - NJCAA Division I and II colleges can
offer scholarships' Division III colleges cannot. There are no academic
eligibility requirements for athletes entering junior college.