The Benefits of Wrestling

Wrestling is a most demanding sport. However, there are many benefits to participating in such a challenging sport. Many of the young athletes on the Patriot wrestling team will learn things that will stay with them the rest of their lives.

Young wrestlers face many disappointments as they learn this sport. Seldom does an athlete find immediate success on the mat. It takes time and experience to reach a level of success. This helps to teach these young athletes how to deal with adversity. They find it is not easy to get to the top. It takes a lot of hard work, dedication and commitment.

It also takes a lot of courage to be a wrestler. When a wrestler steps out on the mat, he is all alone. He risks being beaten in front of his teammates, his parents and his friends. Yet, all wrestlers take that risk repeatedly.

Self-discipline is another quality that is developed in wrestling. Wrestlers have to work hard and maintain their intensity every day of the season. Some of them also choose to diet to maintain a certain weight. This is particularly tough for growing athletes who are used eating several times a day. It takes self-discipline to practice hard every day and to diet.

While wrestling is difficult and takes hard work, the young athletes involved learn they will be rewarded in the long run. This reward is calling WINNING and it makes all the hard work worthwhile. Winning comes in many forms. We work on the principle that you do everything to win and winning will come. Preparation is the key to success. Many wrestlers realize hard work can make good things happens, and they carry this with them even when their days of competition are over.